
Marcos López


(Santa Fe, 1958)
He began to take black and white photographs in 1978. In 1982 he moved to Buenos Aires after receiving a scholarship from the Fondo Nacional de las Artes. In 1989 he was part of the first class of foreign scholarship holders at the Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV in Cuba. Later, he began to experiment with color and developed the series Pop latino during the 90s and, in recent years, the series Sub-realismo criollo. In 2013, he finished “Ramón Ayala”, his first work in the cinematographic field (documentary-fiction). His photographs are part of the Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía in Spain, the Daros Latinamerica Collection in Switzerland, and the Tate Modern Gallery in London, among other public and private collections. He has published the books Retratos (1993, reissued in 2006), Pop latino (2000), Sub-realismo criollo (2003), El jugador (2007), Pop latino plus (2007), Marcos López (2010), Exceso (2019), Marcos Lopez Intervenido (2022) and Querido Diario (2023).

Marcos López
Title: Super palmera
Medium: Copia color
Capture year: 2022
Dimensions: 17 x 22 cm
Edition: P.A. Edición de 7
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2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Artistica Galeria de Arte
Carlos Caamaño Foto Galería
Mariño Mendizábal
Carmen Araujo Arte
Super palmera