


(Darmstadt, Alemania, 1912 - Buenos Aires, 2005)
She moved with her family to Argentina in 1926. She was self-taught in photography. In 1930, she opened her first studio and, three years later, she began working with local magazines. For forty years, she provided all the cover images for Antena and Radiolandia and became the portraitist of the great stars of show business.
In addition to her professional photography, she experimented with the photographic image. Heinrich was a pioneer in envisioning photography as an art form. Her first solo show was held in 1938 and it was followed by many exhibitions in Argentina and abroad. She was a founder member of the Foto Club Argentino, the Consejo Argentino de Fotografía, and director of the Asociación de Fotógrafos Profesionales. The awards she was granted over the course of her lifetime include an honorary excellence distinction from the Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique. Between 1952 and 1959 she was a member of the group La Carpeta de los Diez. Her works are part of numerous collections such as the MET Museum (New York), MoMA (New York), National Gallery of Art (Washington DC), MALBA, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes and Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, among others.

Title: Sin título
Medium: Gelatina de plata sobre papel, Vintage print
Capture year: 1937
Dimensions: 29 x 23 cm
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2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Fotema Arte Fotográfico
Casa Zirio
Carmen Araujo Arte
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Sin título