Curator: Sebastián Vidal Mackinson

RADAR seeks to bring visibility to a generation of mostly mid-career national artists who continue to exhaust the possibilities of language and its various photographic processes, contributing to the expansion of what we understand as contemporary art. RADAR enables these artists to exhibit works that, through their practice, presence, and discourse, have fostered the definitive integration of photography as a specific, expansive, procedural, and cultural language within the scene. The attentive gazes of these artists on the procedural folds of the photographic act are interconnected with conceptions of the artistic as a social fact. In this sense, the works gathered here are approaches to issues related to gender, the body, graphic information, nature, the urban, and identity.

In this way, RADAR becomes a collective platform that encourages connections with diverse publics and audiences, fostering the sharing of perspectives, experiences, explorations, and concerns.


Participating Galleries

Diego Obligado, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

Nora Fisch, Buenos Aires City, Argentina

Isla Flotante, Buenos Aires City, Argentina

HACHE, Buenos Aires City, Argentina

Valerie’s Factory, Buenos Aires City, Argentina

Mite, Buenos Aires City, Argentina

Gachi Prieto, Buenos Aires City, Argentina

Biomba, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina