Black Gallery

Fede Ruiz Santesteban


Contemporary artist whose photographic work seeks to recapture the fantastic act of materializing images by its own means, exploring the photographic power of various materials that he finds in his context. He experiments with alternative processes, focusing on sustainable strategies, abandoning both digital and the traditional analog dark room. The content of his work is based on his personal and intimate view of his own life and his surroundings, making his particular world a universal one. The result is an intimate and amazing work that raises questions of memory, the ephemeral and the relationship of man with his environment.
Ruiz is an architect and teaches photography at his own cultural center.
His work has been exhibited in Uruguay, Argentina, Cuba, Austria, Portugal and Angola.


Esta colección de hojas secas es retrato y voz de una naturaleza que reclama su lugar perdido en un balneario devenido en ciudad. Las especies que la integran suelen ser catalogadas como invasoras, yuyos, o malezas. Prefiero entenderlas como parte de un escuadrón de avanzada que con sus hojas y flores pretenden volver por lo que es suyo. Plantas que se revelan para rebelarse, tercas y porfiadas, insistentes en el acto de nacer para combatir al polvo, la aridez y el pavimento.

Fede Ruiz Santesteban
Title: Sin título
Serie: Herbario, Oda a las malas hierbas
Medium: Revelación de diente de león sobre hoja de hiedra. Hoja de hiedra sobre papel libre de ácido
Date of print: 2022
Capture year: 2022
Dimensions: 50 x 50
Unique edition: Edición única
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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