Nora Fisch
Nora Fisch

The gallery opened in 2010 as an alternative space with an emphasis on experimental artistic proposals. Today it is one of the key galleries within Buenos Aires' vibrant art scene, representing some of its most emblematic artists. It exhibits primarily contemporary Argentine and Latin American art, with an emphasis on artists who have shaped their practices from a geopolitical perspective that reflects the idiosyncratic, emphasizing the creation of poetics informed by local sensibilities, ethics and aesthetics and revisiting issues of gender and history.

Director: Nora Fisch, Ariel Authier
Country: Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Address: Av. San Juan 701
Telephone: +5491162352030
Email: moc.hcsifaron@tcatnoc

Exhibited artists

Rosana Schoijett

Gallery artists

Amadeo Azar
Gala Berger
Sofia Bohtlingk
Marina Daiez
Alejandra Fenochio
Claudia Fontes
Alberto Goldenstein
Miguel Harte
Silvia Gurfein
Fernanda Laguna
Lux Lindner
Alfredo Londaibere
Alicia Mihai Gazcue
Guzmán Paz
Gastón Persico
Rosana Schoijett
Julián Terán
Juan Tessi
Ana Tiscornia
Osías Yanov.
C#109 (Los continentes, Seix Barral, 1965)

C#109 (Los continentes, Seix Barral, 1965)

Rosana Schoijett