Departamento 112

Sara Escalante


Sara Escalante
(Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001). She attends Julia Cerutti's
Julia Cerutti's jewelry workshop since 2019. Currently
has an eponymous brand of handmade pieces.
She took pocket photography classes with Lucia Galli, she attended the
Guillermo Ueno's photographic editing workshop and attended a
and took a two year artwork clinic with Matias Maroevic. At present, she participates in the MANGLAR
Currently, she participates in the MANGLAR program, in Acéfala
Gallery, with Andres Labaké.


The main theme of her work is the object abstracted from its context.
context. The world needs images of slow consumption.
A photo has to make you think, question or make you uncomfortable. A
questions about his own or society's current situation,
own or society's situation. The messages are almost always
observations about conscience, the food industry, and consumption.
industry, and consumption. He avoids overinformation. In her
enough elements appear in his photos so as not to lose the
the pregnancy.

Sara Escalante
Title: st
Medium: toma directa
Capture year: 2023
Dimensions: 60 x 40 cm
Contact us
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Departamento 112

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Other galleries

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Carlos Caamaño Foto Galería
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