Guido Chouela


Guido Chouela is a visual artist, photographer and doctor. He was born en Buenos Aires, 1969. He began his path as a photographer at a very young age, studying with Eduardo Gil and in a self-taught way, developing a career in both professional and author photography until today. In the field of professional photography he carries out campaigns for important brands in Argentina and the world.
In the field of author photography, he has participated in numerous exhibitions and awards; His works are part of the private collections, the National Academy of Fine Arts and the photography collection of the National Museum of Fine Arts. He won the Fondo Nacional de las Artes and the Antorchas Foundation Scholarship.
Some of his exhibitions are: Chromography, Praxis Gallery, 10 Views on Buenos Aires, Jorge Mara Gallery, Intervalo Lúcido, Buenos Aires Cultural Center, Herencia Urbana, Photogallery of the General San Marín eater, among others.


I consider my artistic production as a permanent investigation on narratives, materials and creation methods, with a strong emphasis on the conceptual. is research leads me to delve into different aspects of the visual arts, from the rigorous, large-format register of the urban landscape, to the experimentation on atmosphere and color in the photographic language; More recently, my production combine and mix with other artistic disciplines such as painting, installation and conceptual art, in an attempt to expand and blur the limits of the disciplines, marked by experimentation, visuality and the invitation to see.

Guido Chouela
Title: in título
Serie: Herencia Urbana, Arquitectura Industrial de Buenos Aires
Medium: Fotografía Analógica, impresión en gelatina de plata.
Capture year: 2002
Dimensions: 40 x 40 cm
Edition: Edición de 10
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2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of ZONA DE PHOTO

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Artistica Galeria de Arte
AG Studio
Julia Baitalá - Arte Contemporáneo
in título