Santiago Carrera


Santiago Carrera was born in Buenos Aires in 1982. He has dedicated himself exclusively to photography since he was 20 years old.
For 8 years he worked and taught at the Diego Ortiz Mugica Studio. Between 2010 and 2013 he made different productions for Marcos López. He attended a construction clinic with Julieta Escardó.
His work was selected for the "Arte x Arte" award, for "People of my City" by Banco Ciudad, for “Itaú Artes Visuales 2016” and for the FNA Visual Arts Award at the
He was awarded at the National Hall of Visual Arts in 2009 and obtained the "Felifa Dot" award for the publication of Latin American photography books by independent authors in 2014.
In May 2016, my book "Submarine" was selected for the 10x10 American Photobook Exhibition at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh. Since 2017 it has been part of a complete collection in the Hirsch Library of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
In 2016 and 2019, he had solo exhibitions at the “Doppia V” gallery in Switzerland and in 2018 he was part of the “6.7 GB” exhibition at CWS, Museum of Contemporary Art in Torun, Poland.


Time, in its unfathomable nature, is an infinite dimension that escapes our attempts to contain it. We try to measure it, fragment it, and understand it, but it always slips beyond our control. It unfolds constantly and silently, indifferent to our categories and boundaries. The incomprehensibility of time lies in its duality: it is at once the most everyday thing and the most mysterious, a constant presence that can never be fully possessed. Photography, in its desperate attempt to stop time, seeks to capture a fragment of that infinite flow, fixing it in an image that pretends to freeze the ephemeral. Yet what it achieves is merely an illusion of permanence, a fleeting reflection of what has already passed. Thus, time not only defines us but also challenges us, reminding us of our smallness in the face of its vastness and the inherent failure in any effort to master it.

Santiago Carrera
Title: Amarillo sobre Piedra
Medium: Toma directa digital, impresión Giclée sobre papel hahnemühle photo rag metallic de 340 grs
Capture year: 2024
Dimensions: 110 x 165 cm
Edition: Edición de 7
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2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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