Julia Baitalá - Arte Contemporáneo

Sergio Castiglione


Sergio Castiglione is an architect and photographer. He has traveled to more than two hundred cities around the world, documenting in his photographs what makes each metropolis unique from his artistic perspective. In 2014, he won the Photography Award "Windows to the Future" from Cayc and Parex Group. His series, "Segmoments - Effigies of Time," showcases his photographic works compiled during his travels over the last twelve years. His books, Urban Mirrors. Another Way of Looking at Buenos Aires (2014) and Momentum. Intersections in Sports (2017), were both distinguished by the Buenos Aires Cultural Patronage Law. In the field of architecture, his projects have been recognized with the Siemens Award (Biennial '89) and the Cayc/Ctibor Gold Medal (Biennial '09). He has held both collective and individual exhibitions in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, the United States of America, Italy, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates.


A little over ten years ago, on June 1, 2013, I began this project, which I continue working on to this day. Its name, "segMOments," is a play on words combining "segments" and "moments."
In segMOments, I propose a reflection on the city and the various contemporary ways of contemplating it. It is an urban portrait that transcends traditional static forms, acquiring a dynamism that allows us to appreciate a different urban scene every second.
My focus is on capturing those fleeting fragments of urban life and presenting them as a constantly evolving work of art. Through the combination of segments and moments, I invite the viewer to immerse themselves in a visual experience that reveals the diversity and continuous transformation of life in the city.
Space and time intertwine fundamentally in this photographic production, which incorporates an architectural and urbanistic perspective. As an architect and photographer, I confront the question of how a city should be contemplated, what would be the virtuous way to do so. Should we observe it under sunlight, in a nighttime view, or through all these perspectives?
From a technical standpoint, once I choose the physical location, I take the photographs using a tripod, following the method of a "time lapse," without moving the camera. This approach allows me, later on, to merge all the images into a single photograph. During the capture process, I vary different elements such as light and the adjustments of the camera's shutter speed and aperture.
Later, in the post-production stage, I select the images I consider most representative and overlay them in aligned layers. I then choose highlighted fragments from each photograph, creating an amalgamation of moments that emphasizes the diversity of times and lights.
I have had the opportunity to photograph over 50 cities in 25 countries across 5 continents. This has allowed me to explore and capture the unique essence of each city, showcasing the variety of urban landscapes and how time has left its mark on them. Each photograph represents a different story and offers a unique perspective on urban life in different parts of the world.

Sergio Castiglione
Title: VCE 2123-2251
Serie: segMOments
Dimensions: 110 x 55 cm
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2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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VCE 2123-2251