
Matías Sarlo


Matías Sarlo (1979) Trabajó en prensa gráfica durante diez años. Participó de cursos y talleres con Daniel Barraco, Juan Peraza Guerrero, Julian Germain y Cora Gamarnik, entre otros. Publicó los libros Nuestros Pasos (2015), Llanura (2016), Gaucho Gil (2017), Carcarañá (2019) y ¿Miramos? (2020)
Recibió los premios “Juventudes en foco”, Santa Fe (2009), “Pequeño formato” ARGRA Editora, Buenos Aires (2016), “Los trabajos y los días” - Bogotá (2017), Beca de Creación del Fondo nacional de las Artes - Argentina (2021)
Fue finalista del premio “Bridgestone de arte emergente”, Buenos Aires (2013) - 94 Salón de Mayo del museo Rosa Galisteo, Santa Fe (2017) - premio “Arte x arte” Buenos Aires (2018) - “Libro de fotografía latinoamericano”, CDF, Montevideo (2019) - 97 Salón de Mayo del museo Rosa Galisteo, Santa Fe (2020) - Beca Proyecto Ballena, Centro Cultural Kirchner, Buenos Aires (2021)
Exposiciones individuales: "Utopía del retorno" en librería El Sur, Rosario. (2019) - "Retrato de un paisaje" en Galería Subsuelo, Rosario. (2020) - "RR" en Museo Gallardo, Rosario. (2020)
Exposiciones colectivas: "Más que nunca" en el Museo de la Memoria de Rosario. (2010) - "Tinta libre, historias grabadas en la piel" en el Museo de la Memoria de Rosario (2012) - "Transmutaciones" en el Centro cultural Borges, Buenos Aires (2013) - "Siluetas y Lazos" en la 8º bienal de fotografía documental, Tucumán (2018) - "Paréntesis, relatos desde la incertidumbre" en la red de Centros Culturales de España (2021) - "Aprendí que en un milímetro de cielo esta todo el cielo" en BAPhoto, Buenos Aires (2021) - "La mesa ostentará siempre un centro de flores" en el Centro Cultural Kirchner, Buenos Aires (2021)


My name is Matías Sarlo, I'm a photographer, and I was born in 1979 in a small town in northwest Buenos Aires. Since I was young, I've been intrigued by images and their ability to create non-verbal discourses. I began my experience with photography by working in print media. For seven years, I worked in the editorial departments of various newspapers and magazines. In 2009, I started photographing the Argentine plain. I'm not sure if the plain is a landscape, a culture, a state of mind, or a feeling. I try to decipher it by researching and building a personal map composed of series created in different formats.
What interests me about photography is its narrative potential and its capacity to evoke. I'm fascinated by how the combination of these two characteristics can create critical discourses that allow us to overcome short-term memory. I edit some series into small books that I sell to finance the project. A book is as subjective as the act of taking photographs, and I'm captivated by the production process, the manual work, and selling it in person at fairs and events.
I also work on producing documentary records of projects for various institutions and NGOs such as The Open String, Universidad del Litoral, Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, CONICET, or C.E.L.S. Alongside the teacher and artist M. Cecilia Fernández, we founded Zafarrancho Ediciones, a publishing house through which we publish photography books for children.

Matías Sarlo
Title: Sin título
Serie: Llanura
Medium: Fotografía analógica, formato medio. Impresión sobre papel de algodón.
Date of print: 2019
Capture year: 2013
Dimensions: 23 x 23 cm
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Crudo Arte Contemporáneo
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Sin título